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                Products and services
                Chengdu Qilianshan Biotechnology Co., Ltd
                Established on June 23, 2014, its business scope includes the production, processing and sales of biological product casings and heparin sodium; Purchase, processing and sales of agricultural and sideline products; Sales of prepackaged food; Import and export of goods; Biotechnology R & D, consultation and transfer. The company is located in Sichuan, a major pig breeding Province in China, with rich raw material resources; The largest crude heparin sodium production base in Southwest China; A large number of products are supplied to listed companies such as haipurui, the largest customer in China; The market survey shows that heparin sodium products account for 64.2% of the anticoagulant drug market, and the market prospect is unlimited.
                Product Center
                • 肝素钠

                • 肠衣