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                Join Us

                【Talent strategy】

                The group attaches great importance to human resource management, establishes and improves the personnel management system, aims to meet the company's human needs, focuses on recruitment, training, reserve, labor and logistics support, improves the labor contracts of employees at all levels, establishes personnel files and selects excellent talents. Create a "Qilian home" that satisfies employees.

                【Talent management】

                Qilian international advocates team spirit and believes that the team is made and "left".
                The group attaches great importance to the selection, training and use of management talents, technical talents and marketing talents.

                【Employee recruitment】

                The three-level interview system is implemented for the recruitment of employees in each company of the group. The personnel department, the deputy in charge and the general manager are responsible for the implementation.
                Senior talents shall be conducted by the HR Department of the headquarters according to the three-level interview process and determined after the interview with the CEO of Qilian international.

                【Recruitment process】

                The group recruits and trains talents and backbone for the whole country. Interview, physical examination and training the recruited personnel according to the process.
                Those who pass the probation period shall be assigned suitable jobs and included in the company's personnel sequence.

                【Company benefits】

                Social insurance and housing accumulation fund.
                Holiday benefits.

                【Recruitment position】

                • 财务总监CFO(1名)

                • 运营总监(1名)

                • 有机肥省级销售经理(3-5名)

                • 文秘宣传(1名)

                【Contact information】